Windows On The Community
- Isham Park Restoration Program 1970, Inc.
- •• Windows On The Community ••
- Bruce’s Garden In Isham Park
Dear Friend,
We need your help in preserving the future of Bruce’s Garden, The Memorial Slope and Ginkgo Tree Hill in Isham Park. For 50 years the Reynolds Family, with a select few, have carried the financial load for the maintenance and upkeep of these areas whose character is quite unique in that there are no other such representations on the island of Manhattan. For these reasons we ask you to participate in our “Windows On The Community” Fundraising Campaign.
I’m sure you have noticed how Bruce’s Garden, The Memorial Slope and Ginkgo Tree Hill have transformed our community. Working side by side with Mr. Reynolds and others, I have seen these seedlings of urban renewal grow into sturdy trees of community engagement.
Last year we created the Bruce Reynolds Memorial Fund, designed to support the continuation of our educational and community enrichment programs. Your donation to the memorial fund will help insure our efforts continue for years to come. However, like the plants and flowers that line its walks, the garden needs to be tended. The decades-old fence surrounding it has suffered from weather and human abuse. While still an inviting place for a gentle walk, its pathways need to be maintained, flower beds reconditioned and new plants cultivated.
We are asking for donations from $5 to $10 (or more) according to the number of windows in your apartment. No gift is too small, for from even the smallest of seeds great trees can grow. For example:
- 5 windows = $25 to $50 (or more)
- 10 windows = $50 to $100 (or more)
To donate, you can go to our Donation Page or send a check directly to our fiscal sponsor whose address is listed below. All donations go through our fiscal sponsor and are completely tax deductible:
- Jessica Watson
- Citizen Action and Education Manager
- Open Space Institute
- 1350 Broadway, Suite 201
- New York, NY 10018
- 212-356-4288 Direct
- 212-290-8200 ext.307
- [email protected]
Thank you for your help in tending the soil of our garden projects and helping us preserve these unique natural treasures cultivated and nurtured in our Inwood community.
- With Kind Regards,
- Aaron Scott, Chairman
P.S., The garden is open to all 10-6pm April through December. Drop by and see what’s sprouting.