Become a Garden Enthusiast or Guardian!
Assists in all aspects of gardening:
Pruning • Topiary • Propagation • Landscaping • Feeding • Watering • Mulching • Dead Heading • Weeding..
Please keep in mind these activities are meant to be enjoyed. Come to the garden often. Work in the garden only when inspired.
Guardians increase the garden’s communal accessibility. Responsibilities are quite simple:
Open the garden, Oversee the garden (minimum 4 hours), Close or pass the garden over to another Guardian or garden associate (Director, Coordinator, Garden Specialist or Garden Enthusiast)
We accept the following items only:
Coffee grounds/Tea bags, Banana peels, Egg shells
Please stay on paths
•Pets are not allowed in the garden. This includes pets belonging to participating Garden Enthusiasts and Guardians.
Open Fires, Private and/or Birthday Parties, Banquets
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